Thursday, April 22, 2010


Reflecting on the “Personal Theory of Learning” that was developed during week one, the constructivist learning theory was present in the lesson plans for the special education students. This theory relies on the learner to build knowledge which aids in the understanding and retrieval of information. Students construct mental maps as new information is encountered. The modifications have been made as a result of the course material has enabled me to use technology to match the students learning activities with their learning styles.

Teaching, learning and technology work together to enable students to effectively transfer knowledge. Adjustments have been made to my instructional practice regarding technology integration. The first technological tool that will be integrated into my class is voice thread technology. This tool will support and enhance student learning, giving them the opportunity to learn from others who have similar interests. It is an easy tool to integrate into the classroom with minimal support from educators.

The second technological that will be implemented is to have students collaboratively create a power point presentation. Students beginning a multimedia project must research the project, planning and writing the script will use higher level thinking skills that represent connections they have made to information that has been presented. Students will be able to work collaboratively to construct artifacts representing newly acquired knowledge.

A long term goal change that will be made to my instructional practice regarding technology integration is cooperative learning. Cooperative learning focused on having students interact with each other in groups that will enhance their learning. Technology plays a vital role in cooperative learning by facilitating group collaboration, structure and communication. Student-created multimedia is a positive environment for cooperative learning. Creating a video requires many roles and responsibilities. The first step will be to introduce the project and provide student with project rubric. Students will be assigned roles and responsibilities to create a short move that will focus on curricular topics. Next, an advanced organizer will be created to guide the students. Each student will be assigned several tasks to complete. Then, the students will be allowed to work on the project every other week for two weeks. Homework assignments will be included in this project. Finally, the students will view the movie in which they have work cooperatively to create.

The second long term goal change that will be made to my instructional practice regarding technology integration is reinforcing effort. Student understanding will be enhanced by addressing attitudes and beliefs about effort and achievement. Their effort and achievement will be recorded to visually represent the correlation between effort and achievement. Technology makes it easier for students and teachers to track effort. The first step to help students make the connection between effort and achievement is by using Microsoft Excel to create a rubric that helps students view the effect effort has on achievement. After explaining the rubric, the students will open a blank spread sheet. Next, students will record the grades they have earned on tests and quizzes. They can see the relationship between effort and grades. Students will record their grades on a graph for two weeks. Finally, the students will rate their efforts using Rubric Machines. After analyzing the chart, the students will set objectives to put more effort into studying for quizzes, tests and homework.

The two long term goals selected to enhance student learning will combine instructional strategies with technology. These goals will enable my diverse classroom to work together cooperatively while reinforcing effort. My students can advanced in a more appropriate pace and find grater interest in their schoolwork.